Do you believe that you were meant for more?

Do you believe that you were meant to make a difference?

Are you feeling trapped?

Is life not what you hoped it would be?

Do you want your own financial freedom?

Do you want more time for your family and yourself?

Do you want that spring back in your step?


I have found my destiny and the journey is fabulous…

My name is Jax and I am the founder of Sun Creative, a Brand and Marketing Strategy Consultancy. I have the world’s most supportive partner, Tom and love travelling, sport, food, coffee, animals and watching series.

I have been involved in varying aspects of business and marketing for the last 22 years, working for global brands such as Adidas and Oakley. Whilst the vibe of the marketing industry and the long hours were appealing in my younger days, I felt that I was destined to do more with my life.

I want to share my knowledge and expertise with people, who know that they want to make huge changes. I want to be able to help those who feel that their business has stagnated.

I have been where you are; feeling as though every spare moment was spent working and putting money in someone else’s pocket. Not being there for my family and friends and more importantly, not caring and having the time for me.

I lost all self-confidence, felt as though everything I tried I failed at, and felt as though I wasn’t good enough. My world was falling apart!

It took honest conversations with those close to me, long conversations with myself and assistance from the learnings of mentors, to help put me back on the road to self-belief and success.

I needed to re-look at how others perceived what I stood for (my brand) and what business and marketing strategies I needed to tweak.

The first thing I worked on was my Social Media Marketing, which is a vital component of your overall Marketing Strategy.

What is Social Media Marketing?

This is where you would use social media platforms to communicate and engage with other individuals and businesses on the web. It is a way to connect with an audience, worldwide.  Appropriate content is created to promote your business and products on the various Social Media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok, to name a few. Pinterest and Google My Business are actually Search Engines, although often grouped as Social Media platforms.

This content can be published in either blog post, video, photo and infographic formats.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, live broadcasts through the various platforms, assisted business owners and brands to become even more approachable and personable to your audience. Facebook has niched down even further in the form of Facebook Groups, where you can invite a specific audience and share appropriate information with them. You can ensure through privacy settings, that not anyone can get access to these groups.


There are a few vital areas which Social Media can be used for:

  • Relationship Building – creating a following and nurturing them.
  • Audience Engagement – find out what your target market’s pains, needs and wants are. Get their feedback on relevant topics, launches, brand experiences etc.
  • Brand Awareness – being able to educate and converse with your audience. Taking your brand to the market and becoming more recognisable and talked about.

A question often asked is, how many platforms should I be posting on?

In my opinion focusing on one or two initially, and getting the maximum impact and traction from them, is most beneficial. If you are more confident in your understanding of the specific platforms, feel free to post on more.

The most important thing when it comes to Social Media is to be consistent. Show up and prove to people that you are serious about your brand or product. An example would be, that if you decide to create a YouTube channel, ensure that if you post twice a week, you stick to posting on the same days at approximately the same time on those days. Followers are fickle and like a “structured” schedule.

Know who your specific target audience is and post content that is relevant to them. At the end of the day, you would like your audience to either engage in your services or purchase your product, becoming regular customers.

It is not always necessary to post the same exact content to each platform. Think clearly who most of the platform users are and if your content would be relevant to them.

Social Media needs to be fun. Too much of the same, boring layouts, information overload and hard selling is going to drive your audience away. Your audience wants interaction, different types of content formats and sometimes something light-hearted. They often want to see the people behind the product or brand – to make it a little more personable.

Social Media Management and Social Media Marketing is so much more than the little bits I have shared. Hopefully, by sharing a small tip of the Social Media iceberg, you will be enticed to learn so much more.

Please follow me on the various platforms, where I will be sharing a lot more information, tips as well as some great offers.

To get you started, I have created a Free Cheat Sheet for you of the various Social Media post dimensions. Your posts on the specific platforms will not be read or taken seriously if dimensions are not according to the platform specifications. You don’t want your posts not being noticed right from the beginning.

I am also working on a fabulous new product launch which will make your Social Media life much easier. Please keep following me on Facebook (@SunCreativeza), Instagram (@jax.suncreative), Pinterest (Jax. Sun Creative) and LinkedIn (Jackie Longworth) to be the first to get in on the opening specials.

Don’t forget to claim your free Cheat Sheet.

If you would like to ask any questions or need further advice, contact me directly at